 1856-  Richebourg Petzval type lens 150mmf4(est) 

Lens Data

Lens Unit

Lens Photo

製造年 : 1856年以降
レンズ構成 : ペッツバール型
製造番号 : なし。通常は記載されている住所で年代を判断する。

Production : 1856-
Lens composition : petzval type
Serial number : nil. production years shall be identified from the address engraved on the lens.

Lens Impression



その後ヴァンサンが自分の正当な後継者として工房を継がせたのが、このレンズの作者である弟子のリシュブール(Pierre-Ambroise Richebourg 1801-75)です。ただヴァンサンが1941年というカメラ発達史の中で微妙な時期に死去したことと、シャルルの父親譲りの積極的(気が強い)性格と顔の広さから、世界初のカメラレンズの称号はシャルルのものとなりました。

(一部参考:Corrado D'Agostini  PHOTOGRAPHIC LENSES OF THE 1800'S IN FRANCE)。


  ヴァンサン  1818-1841 69 quai de l’Horloge, Paris 
息子    シャルル    1818-1832 69 quai de l’Horloge, Paris
1832-1851  163 Gal. de Valois, Palais Royal, Paris
1851-1852  158 Gal. de Valois, Palais National, Paris
1853-1859  158 Gal. de Valois, Palais Royal, Paris
 弟子   リシュブール  1841-1856  69 quai de l’Horloge, Paris
1856-???  29 quai de l’Horloge, Paris


In 1839, Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre invented the historical method of photography, Daguerreotype. And the lens which was equipped on the world’s first commercial camera from Giroux was a single doublet achromatic lens by Charles Chevalier. The focal length is approx. 340mm and f17.

The Chevalier family had been engaged in optical technology in generations. Vincent Chevalier, the father of Charles, manufactured telescopes, microscopes and camera obscuras, and also Arthur, the son of Charles, was an active optical designer. At the period of Vincent Chevalier, the father, Louis Daguerre, who was still the promotor of Diorama vision, visited the shop of Chevalier family and bought some lenses. At that time it was said that Vincent mentioned the lenses were made by his son and he himself was a salesman. The relations between them continued afterward also which made naturally the first lens appointed to the Daguerreotype Camera was Chevalier’s.  
But the relation between him and his son Charles became worse after several argument came from the difference of opinion. In 1932 Charles left the home and started his individual shop.

Vincent appointed his successor to his disciple Richebourg instead of his son, but he died in 1841 which was among such important years in the development the early history of photographic cameras and lenses. The name of the first camera lens came to Charles eventually also because of his positive and sociable characteristic.

After that , Richebourg became the asistant of Daguerre and continued to manufacture Lenses and Optical materials, he played his major activity on Photographer than manufactuerer. He made manu photos of French Royal family, Social Events, and precious Arts. And also he published some book of Photographic manuals.
(partially quoted from Corrado D'Agostini PHOTOGRAPHIC LENSES OF THE 1800'S IN FRANCE)

Their address in such period were as follows,

Father   Vincent 1818-1841 69 quai de l’Horloge, Paris 
Son    Charles     1818-1832 69 quai de l’Horloge, Paris
1832-1851 163 Gal. de Valois, Palais Royal, Paris
1851-1852 158 Gal. de Valois, Palais National, Paris
1853-1859 158 Gal. de Valois, Palais Royal, Paris
Disciple   Richebourg  1841-1856 69 quai de l’Horloge, Paris
1856-??? 29 quai de l’Horloge, Paris

Very confusing. However, it makes easier to identify the age of each lens from this engraved address on the lens and from the type of character.

Photos with Richebourg Petzval type lens

Yokohama Bashamichi Matsuri

I took Richebourg Lens to continuously 2 autumn events.
Bashamichi Matsuri is a very small scale event, so the number of photo models are limited. Please allow to show several photos of the same person in the list. But all of them are so beautiful.
The some last photos were taken in the evening at harbour. That was the time of the luxary ship departing, Impressing steam whistles resounded far and wide in the harbour. Please chech the Bokeh of artificial lights.

Kawasaki Halloween


The 1st use of Richebourg Lens was at Kawasaki Halloween.
The event became bigger than last yera. The crowd of people was so much , I finished taking photos in the morning, and came back without watching the Parade.
This lens has no aperture, so all photos are full open.
The fucus is no so sure because this Leica S2 has no function to enlarge its focusing part as Mirrorless cameras. I hope you enjoy the taste of Bokeh also of Richebourg.